A Cricket World Cup or A Parliamentary Elections. It’s
one and a same thing. The only difference is, Cricket World Cup comes once in
four years but Election comes once in Five years.
I am just 23 of age which is not mature enough age to
write a matured political piece. But few days back one of my friend said a very
factual sentence to me about Arvind Kejriwal. Yes, the same Arwind Kejriwal,
the so called Aam Aadmi. My friend said that it hardly matters about goodness
or badness of Kejriwal’s tenure as Delhi’s
chief minister but at least he left his everything and tested his level to
change the system. That’s really appreciable.
Actually I also feel the same thing but now you will
not even take a second to judge me as a supporter of Aam Aadmi Party. But wait,
it’s not like that.

But what is the difference. This tournament comes
every year. Hundreds of political parties come; one wins and become the owner
of the country for five years. Some of my friends say that even there are some
problems in the country but still we have done a lot in the field of development.
Bullshit. Yes, we have done a lot. We are doing much in the field of education,
but we are not able to provide good education to everyone. We have roads, but not
in a condition to have a comfortable journey. We have reached to space, but we still
have a child at road side asking for one rupee because he is hungry. We have
industries, but we also have a situation when there are only 100 vacancies and
ten lakhs applicants for those ten vacancies. We have AIIMS kind of hospitals
but we also have a situation where every 4th child dies with
calories weakness.
Actually we are the best, but at the same time we are
the worst. That’s what we call
development. That’s the situation that needs change. Modi says he will bring
that change, Rahul says he will bring that change, Arvind also says he will
bring that change. But still nothing has changed.
Again the same national event is going to take place
in the country which is called ‘ Elections’. Now it would have to be seen that will this
time the change actually come or again we will just sit and write this kind of
bullshit as I am writing right now? It’s up to you.
Go and choose your system, Be the part of system…
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